petak, 5. prosinca 2014.

Holiday weight

Holiday season has arrived which means a lot of celebrations and gatherings.  Then you think of all the food you'll eat, all that delicious food. No wonder that gyms are full after the holidays. It’s much easier to gain weight than to get rid of it.
Here are some tips that can help you to stay on your current weight!

1.     Include fruits and vegetables

Try eating as much fruits and vegetables as possible. They will make you       feel fuller so you won’t have to reach for another piece of meat. Another advantage is that you’ll get more of essential nutrients and less calories.

2.     Drink water

You should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day in which you can add some flavor by squeezing fresh lemon or just add mint leaves. Another solution would be drinking unsweetened tea. Because of importance of hydration try to avoid as much as possible fuzzy drinks. They contain a lot of sugar and they can cause you a bloating problems. If you will consume alcohol, the rule is: one glass of alcohol beverage followed with one glass of water. Alcohol can cause body dehydration what’s the reason why you have hangover morning after consuming it. Try not to overdose on alcohol because alcohol beverages contain a lot of calories.

3.     Buffets

They are the worst enemy, with all that yummy food, you want to taste everything and you can’t make up your mind so you end up trying all of it. A little bit of that, a little bit of this and before you know you’re weighing 10 pounds more than before.
The solution for that is to take smaller plate and not to pile up your plate. Try to pick up healthier version of meals. And you have to remember that repeat button in this game does not exist.

4.     Do not starve yourself

Going on a party usually has a whole day starvation consequences so people could eat more on the party or get drunk easier. Everybody does that, I do that. Trust me, it is the worst you can do. Eat normally every meal and you won’t stuff yourself at the party.

5.     Keep moving

A few hours after eating your meal you should go in a walk with your family, throw a dance party, everything you can do to burn calories. Force yourself to work out every morning, at least for half an hour, let that be Christmas present to yourself.

I hope you’ll find some of these tips helpful.
 Until the next time!

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