ponedjeljak, 16. veljače 2015.

5 tips for better concentration

Since I was little I have had a problem with staying concentrated. Every little thing would distract me - if it was something on my desk, people around me, sounds, everything. Through the years I have found and tried different ways to stay focused. This may not work for everyone but for sure, it helped me.
Better concentration

1. Clean your workspace
  I got easily distracted by things so everything that is on my table and it doesn’t have anything with what I’m currently doing must be moved somewhere else. As soon as I start learning my table is filling up with books, papers, post- its etc.
2. Time management
It is very important that you organize your time for studying and stick to the plan. Don’t wait till the last minute if you want to learn something efficiently.  You can found on the Internet different schedule plans and planners or make it on your own.
3. Prepare yourself
Before you start you can do something that will make you stay focused like reading 15 pages of book, or some concentration games. There are many different concentration games you should try and see which one is working best for you.
4. Use colors
Use different color highlighters, post-its and index cards. You can even color code your notes, classes and homework. For example if you take a history class you can mark years with yellow, important persons with green and important events with blue. You can really find your own way.
5. Take a break
Studies have shown that you can’t stay more than 30 minutes concentrate so you should take a little break every 30 minutes, like drink a glass of water, take a snack or even make some squats.

I really hope that these tips will help you!
Stay well! :)

2 komentara:

  1. My biggest distraction is the internet! Whoops I'm doing it again!

    1. The internet is really big distraction. I lost hours and hours on the internet!
