ponedjeljak, 30. ožujka 2015.

Pinwheel cookies

 Whereas I wanted to make these cookies for a long time, I have searched all over the Internet for the perfect recipe and finally decided to pick one random and make the cookies. It didn’t look perfect as you can see in the picture but the taste was magnificent. Perfect match with a cup of coffee.
I hope you like the recipe!
1 cup of butter
2 cups of sugar
2 eggs
3 teaspoons of vanilla extract
3 cups of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
¼ cup of cocoa

1. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar, add the eggs, one at a time and vanilla. Combine   the flour, baking powder and salt; gradually add to the mixture.
2. Divide dough in half; add cocoa to one portion. Divide each portion in half. Roll out each portion between waxed paper into a rectangle. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3. Remove waxed paper. Place one chocolate rectangle over a plain rectangle and roll up tightly.  Refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm.
4. Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes.

četvrtak, 19. ožujka 2015.

My Top 15 Movies

 Besides other hobbies I really enjoy watching movies especially during the rainy and cloudy days. As a big movie fan I’ve decided to share with you my favorites. It was hard for me to pick only 15 movies from the ocean of excellent movies. I really recommend to watch some of them or all. What are your favorite movies? Share with me your picks!

Movie Night

Here is the list:
1. Empire of the Sun
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Forrest Gump
4. Finding Neverland
5. Atonement
6. Man on fire
7. John Q
8. Interstellar
9. The Pursuit of Happyness
10. The Godfather
11. Schindler's List
12. Amadeus
13. The Sixth Sense
14. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
15. La vita è bella

ponedjeljak, 16. veljače 2015.

5 tips for better concentration

Since I was little I have had a problem with staying concentrated. Every little thing would distract me - if it was something on my desk, people around me, sounds, everything. Through the years I have found and tried different ways to stay focused. This may not work for everyone but for sure, it helped me.
Better concentration

1. Clean your workspace
  I got easily distracted by things so everything that is on my table and it doesn’t have anything with what I’m currently doing must be moved somewhere else. As soon as I start learning my table is filling up with books, papers, post- its etc.
2. Time management
It is very important that you organize your time for studying and stick to the plan. Don’t wait till the last minute if you want to learn something efficiently.  You can found on the Internet different schedule plans and planners or make it on your own.
3. Prepare yourself
Before you start you can do something that will make you stay focused like reading 15 pages of book, or some concentration games. There are many different concentration games you should try and see which one is working best for you.
4. Use colors
Use different color highlighters, post-its and index cards. You can even color code your notes, classes and homework. For example if you take a history class you can mark years with yellow, important persons with green and important events with blue. You can really find your own way.
5. Take a break
Studies have shown that you can’t stay more than 30 minutes concentrate so you should take a little break every 30 minutes, like drink a glass of water, take a snack or even make some squats.

I really hope that these tips will help you!
Stay well! :)